14 Nov Questions and answers about permanent makeup correction
Our clients have a lot of questions about the procedure for permanent makeup correction and removing. Many of them sincerely believe that in their case, correction will not be needed, some doubt the justification of the procedure itself. Today we answer these questions!
So, permanent makeup correction is a necessary step in achieving the perfect result! You will not go to the dentist for half the procedure and will not go forever with a temporary filling. In permanent makeup, the situation is similar – after the initial introduction of the pigment and the complete healing of the skin (about 30 days), the master should correct minor flaws. And this does not mean the incompetence of the performer. The skin of each person is purely individual and, even with vast experience, it is impossible to 100% predict the result after healing. That’s why a correction is needed – to correct the shape, contours, to correct minor flaws. But in most cases, correction is work with color. Only after this mini-procedure we are able to get lighter transparent and natural colors, since the pigment is introduced in layers. Often the client wants to add saturation to the pigment, because in the first procedure he still does not “see” himself with tattooing, therefore he is not afraid of a natural result. So correction is a care for the client, an opportunity to make his lips, eyebrows or eyelids as beautiful as possible!

The skin is purely individual and even with vast experience it is impossible to 100% predict the result after healing. With correction the master makes makeup perfect and she is able to get lighter transparent and natural colors, since the pigment is introduced in layers.
Well, now onto the answers to the questions.
How many days after the procedure must it take to proceed with the correction of the tattoo?
Even with minimal trauma to the skin during the procedure, you need to give it time to fully recover. It is about 4-5 weeks. If you fail to come to the correction in a month, it will not be a correction, but a refresh update.
Why tattoos do not need correction, and with permanent makeup it is always mandatory
This question is asked quite often. You can’t even imagine how diverse the face and body skin are in their properties! With this difference in mind were created pigments for the permanent makeup (the micropigmentation procedure). After all, with a tattoo, the coloring pigment is injected so deep into the skin that the healing process can not affect its distribution. And with permanent make-up, the pigment is laid to a depth of 0.3 mm. Even one awkward movement of the client during healing can prematurely remove the crust and spoil the result! During the correction, we correct all the defects that formed during the healing process.
Or maybe the correction was invented by the masters as an additional opportunity to earn?
A successful master, as a rule, does not experience a shortage of clients and will not stoop to such tricks. Moreover, the cost of correction is almost completely formed by the price of materials. We do the procedure with minimal profit and with only one goal – to bring the final result to perfection.
Why is the process of removing crusts disturbed and the result becomes worse?
I always tell my clients about the critical importance of post-treatment care. You can damage the crust during sleep (after all, we sometime sleep on our side and stomach), damage it with your hand, comb or during the play with children. Some clients just soak it too much in contact with water. Another enemy is herpes. As a rule, it is these malicious “bubbles” that damage the contours of the tattoo of the lips. It is very difficult to predict the reaction of a pigment on keloid scars or fibrous skin.
How long does the tattoo correction take?
Correction takes about 30-40 minutes long, including anesthesia.
What types of skin give a predictable result?
It is easiest to work with dry and normal skin. On it the pigment also stay longer. But clients with fatty or fibrous skin make correction and refresh more often.
My girlfriend has tattoo for 7 years and did not need a single correction! Why do you need to update the color so often?
I sincerely regret your girlfriend, she got a real tattoo instead of permanent makeup. In most of the cases it has rough lines made with inappropriate pigments. And what could be worse than a tattoo on the face?
In addition, over time the skin changes, the contours of the eyebrows (see the photo below) or the lips drop, but the pigment lies in its old place. And it’s good if the tattoo is done correctly, imagine you didn’t like the result and you have to live with it for years, and you can’t hide such beauty with clothes…
Pigments for permanent makeup differ from tattoo pigments. They are gradually naturally removed from the skin and every year or two a client can change the shape of her eyebrows or lip color.
In a week after the procedure, the color of the eyebrows completely disappeared. The master says that a correction is needed. And what if after it will disappear too?
If pigment has noticeably come out after the first procedure, then it is definitely necessary to make a correction. The pigment lies in the upper layers of the skin and is less visible.
Why is this happening? We recommend our clients not to wet the tattoo for the first day. Lubrication is allowed if severe discomfort occurs, but not more than 2-3 times a day with a THIN layer of ointment containing panthenol. Please, don’t use solcoseryl, acyclovir and others. They can affect the density of the pigment! If you generously and often use healing ointments, then just do not give the crusts a chance to form and the body will quickly and successfully get rid of the pigment!
It is important to properly care for the tattoo area and no troubles will happen to you!
How to choose the color of the lips, if it lightens during healing?
You are right, the pigment loses in color from 40 to 60%, and it’s purely individual. But the experience of the makeup master allows you to accurately predict the result. Anyway, the correction procedure allows to make some changes.
If you still have questions – ask them in the comments! Subscribe to the news and be the first to know about the promotions of our center and all the useful information about permanent makeup.
Viktoriya Rudko, international permanent makeup trainer, a leading specialist at the Purebeau Academy
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