Lips makeup is one of the most sought-after procedures. After the procedure you can forget about lipstick for a long time, and it will significantly save your time and finances. Lips with a permanent makeup are equally attractive during the day, after meals, and even after kisses. It is also the only way for women with allergies to decorative cosmetics.
After the permanent makeup procedure you can forget about lipstick for a long time, and it will significantly save your time and finances
With the help of permanent makeup lips procedure you can eliminate the asymmetry of the lips, change their color, size and visual shape. You can clearly highlight the contour, emphasize the natural color or achieve brightness – almost all that you need or your client requests. With using the latest techniques you can create a visual effect of increased lip volume.
The contouring procedure with shading will emphasize the naturalness of the lips, will make them more expressive. When contouring with filling, it is possible to completely change the color and shape of your lips. From a medical and aesthetic point of view, this procedure is also important for post-traumatic scars, pigment spots, loss of natural color or, if desired, to retouch the lip area after “hare lip” removal surgery.
Permanent makeup lips can eliminate the asymmetry of the lips, change their color, size and visual shape? you can clearly highlight the contour, emphasize the natural color or achieve brightness
The duration of the procedure is about 1-2 hours. It is performed under local (application) anesthesia and is absolutely comfortable for the client. Before the procedure on the recommendation of the master should be taken antiherpetic drugs. After the procedure, due to the use of a little traumatic technique, on the lips appear slight crusts. They disappear after a few days. Until complete healing and complete descent of the crusts, one cannot visit baths, saunas or swimming pools. You also shouldn’t scratch lips, drink too hot and alcohol drinks during the healing. After healing using sunscreen cream with an SPF of at least 30 will help to fix and keep the desired result for a long time.
With the masters of the RudkoArtline Academy of permanent makeup, you can be sure of an excellent result! In our work we use products and equipment of the German company Purebeau, which has long established itself in the European and world market. Internationally certified master teacher Victoria Rudko and her colleagues have tremendous experience and constantly improve their skills – if you want to take a base permanent makeup course or make permanent makeup with us, you will be into good hands! This is evidenced by thousands of satisfied customers and our PORTFOLIO.
At the planning stage of the permanent makeup lips procedure, you our your client want to get answers to a lot of questions. Which style of the lip tattoo is better? Which one is more suitable? How long will the lips heal and do you need to take some drugs before the procedure to avoid the herpes aggravation?
We will try to answer as informative as possible.
It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Each method has its own pros: one is the best to correct color, the other – to camouflages asymmetry, and the third – effectively adds volume. Therefore, at the moment, many masters offer combined techniques. I will try to explain in more detail. I recommend to my clients carefully choose the technique, because sometimes it is better to touch up natural lips with red lipstick than to walk with bright colors all day.
This technique is used separately very rarely – in cases where only the lip contour needs to be corrected due to its natural “blur”. The master selects the color of the pigment as close as possible to the color of the client’s lips, and corrects the contour. Usually the contour is complemented by a slight shading. Fashionable makeup trends do not encourage too contoured lips, so the master should be a true virtuoso in the colors selection.
Master applies feathering in order to even out the color transition between the contour and the lips themselves. The feathering may cover one-third, two-thirds, or half of the surface of the lips.
Master adds feathering to even out the color transition between the contour and lips
Sometimes it may cover all lip surface completely. Usually, the technique uses the most natural shades, so that after healing, due to the contrast of colors, the effect of “eaten lips” does not occur. This seemingly universal procedure doesn’t suit girls with very thin lips; it will visually “steal” already insignificant volume.
This technique is used when the client wants to drastically change the color and shape of their lips, get rid of asymmetry and give the lips a visual volume. Full filling is performed either in watercolor, or in the technique of “lipstick”.
Full filling is made in a watercolor or “lipstick” technique
Contourless technique with gentle and natural tones corrects the natural faded color of the lips. Lipstick method involves the use of juicy shades that makes the lips more expressive and bright. In this case, the contour is drawn very clearly, and the pigment is embedded quite tightly. The client needs only to quickly add shine and her lips after perfectly accurate makeup.
These techniques are basically similar to the full lip filling, but includes additional techniques. To create a noticeable volume, the master uses from three to six pigment shades in order to create color highlights, which gives the effect of full lips. Similar to the previous technique, clients have a choice – plump natural sponges or bright and noticeable.
To create a noticeable volume, the master uses from three to six pigment shades in order to create color highlights, which gives the effect of full lips
Pearl lips and 3D effect lips are difficult to perform, even for an experienced artist, because it is important to choose the right colors of pigments, correctly define the the transition layers and work with perfect accuracy to perform desired effect.
More and more frequently our clients insist on this option. It can be understood easily – the fashion for natural makeup is in the trend for several years. Modern high-quality makeup aims to create the most natural result, looking at that, no one will suspect you of cosmetic interventions.
Modern makeup fashion aims to create the most natural result
And a qualified master with a number of modern natural pigment shades is able to pick the right without difficulties.
Fashion is a changeable thing. Fashion is a changeable thing. Each season there are some innovations and fresh trends. But there is something that always remains the same in permanent make-up. It is the desire for maximum naturalness. Accurately traced brows and a noticeable lip contour have sunk into oblivion long ago. The imperceptible make-up, which only emphasizes the natural beauty of the woman, has been popular for years and takes a top position for a long time. The same trend is observed in permanent makeup.
How do we imagine perfect lips? Gentle, full and slightly plump, as if kissed, with even natural color.
That is how ideal lips should look like from the point of view of men. If we are talking about eyebrows, most of our clients want to see a gentle powdery effect but not clear lines. Of course, by nature, unfortunately, not every girl received such a generous gift. But every woman wants to look attractive and catch admiring glances of a strong half of humanity every day! Thanks to modern cosmetology and the author’s “Pearl lips” methodology by Victoria Rudko now it is possible! And it isn’t only possible, but available to each of us.
To make it clearer, I propose to recall what a pearl looks like. This is the creation of nature with a smooth transition of shades from one to another. The special technology of layer spraying creates a fascinating effect of color flow. Getting on the surface of the pearl, the light shatters into thousands of flickering highlights, making it’s look expensive and inviting.
The special technology of layer-by-layer spraying creates a charming effect of color flow
The same occurs in our permanent make-up method. Due to certain techniques, the color of the pigment does not covers the lips as usual, but smoothly brightens from the contour to the middle. Lips become like a delicate pink pearl – juicy, but not sharp on the contour and delicate, natural with a smooth tone over the entire surface. A pleasant nuance for the client is the fact that the smooth flow of color will visually make the lips more full. If we talk about eyebrows, the technology creates the effect of light shadow feathering.
Everything looks as natural as possible: lips and eyebrows acquire the correct form and more saturated tone. Two in one – not catchy, but at the same time perfect.
Pearl lips technique dramatically differs from the usual permanent make up. Master uses special multi-dental needles which allow to achieve beautiful natural feathering. To create a smooth transition, you will need several pigments – on average, three or more shades of the same color. The master achieves the smoothest transition by mixing them, and also uses a special liquid that lowers the hiding power of the pigment. The work should be precise, during the procedure the beautician should not only apply different shades, but also determine the necessary transition boundaries.
For the client, the difference in the process of permanent makeup using the technology of Pearl lips is almost not noticeable.
During the procedure, the lymph rises to the surface of the skin and temporarily makes the color of the pigment brighter. It complicates the procedure, and it is very important to predict how the pigments will behave after healing. The master should feel the individual characteristics of the skin and density of the color that will give the perfect result. In most of cases will be needed a subsequent additional correction.
For the client, the difference in the process isn’t noticeable. Eyebrows or lips are thoroughly cleaned of makeup, and application anesthesia is applied. 5-10 minutes the anesthetic lays on the skin and the master begins the procedure. After the anesthesia “Pearl lips” procedure takes about 30 minutes if performed by an experienced master.
Regardless of the permanent makeup technology, the preparation and aftercare in the first days after the procedure remain the same.
Any cosmetic procedure has strict prohibitions. First of all, your health depends on it, so do not ignore the following information. If you have a history of systemic skin diseases – psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, you will have to avoid the procedure. Permanent makeup is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is also strictly prohibited for people with blood diseases, diabetes, oncological diseases, active disease with high body temperature.
We wish you only delightful results and, of course, unsurpassed beauty!