08 мая Secrets of determining skin tone – the key to a harmonious permanent makeup
Before proceeding to the procedure of lips permanent makeup, it is necessary to correctly determine the skin tone. This will allow you to choose a pigment which will look harmonious.
The color shade is determined by substances in humans in the skin of your client: melanin, carotene and hemoglobin. Each substance is translucent through the skin, and its amount forms color type. You can put cosmetics on your face, sunburn the skin, but the type and natural tint will never change. It is easily visible to experienced beautician. To determine the tone more accurately, pay attention to the skin color of the wrist, it almost never changes.
The most common colors range from cold bluish to warmer golden. An experienced specialist will surely select the shades and pigments that are suitable for each client and choose colors that are in harmony with the natural skin shade.

Main skin tones
Cold skin tone signs:
- The skin color is grayish or bluish
- The skin is snow-white or very light
- There no blush
- The skin is pale pink or with pink spots
- Tan has a tan tint
- The skin has a tendency to oily, mixed skin
Hair color:
- Dark hair
- Ash Brown Hair Color
- Blue-black
- Hair with gray hair
As a rule, the area under the eyes also has a bluish tint.
Warm skin tone
Color of the skin:
- Ivory skin
- Freckled skin
- Soft peach skin tone
- Beige skin tone
- Blush lightly, after tan a red-brown tint appears.
Warm tone skin prone to dryness or is normal. Usually it is pretty sensitive.
Hair color:
- Brown-red
- Golden Blonde
- Golden
- Yellow or beige blond
The number of shades in the pigments line can reach 300. And you can mix them and increases this figure significantly! When working with a permanent, it is necessary to estimate the color that will be formed after finishing the work. And remember – a fresh permanent is always darker and brighter than the healed one. The laws of physics act everywhere: the light under the skin refracts, dims, or, for example, reaches colder or warmer shade. After a certain period of time, permanent makeup becomes much lighter, because we see it through the new layer of the epidermis.
Also in permanent makeup in any case do not apply pigments intended for tattoo. The reason is that these have a completely different chemical composition, and there is very high possibility that the pigment will behave unpredictably.
Why does color change after micropigmentation?
If the after applying the color changes and becomes cold despite the fact that you wanted to make a warm shade, it means that you have chosen the wrong pigments. For permanent makeup it is very important to “feel” the color, without this knowledge you risk making many unnecessary mistakes in the work, which later will require corrections.
How to choose a pigment after determining the skin color type?
The main requirement for permanent makeup is to make as “natural” look as possible and not attract attention to unnatural appearance. Makeup master shouldn’t produce the effect of a painted “puppet” face. In the first procedure it is undesirable to choose very dark colors. You should also choose a contrast level carefully. For example, with a cold skin color better to choose warmer shades, and with warm-beige, on the contrary, use cold pigments.
If the lips are of a cold shade, a warm shade of pigment suits them. When using cold colors (cherry or raspberry shades), your client’s lips may appear bluish. Therefore, always use opposite pigments, so the color will be softer and more natural.

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