27 мая Permanent makeup topical anesthesia
The importance of local anesthesia in permanent make-up is difficult to underestimate. Thanks to its application, the master gets an opportunity to work quietly and efficiently. The client feels absolutely comfortable during the procedure, but it is possible only with the correct use of high-quality anesthetics.
Primary and secondary topical skin anesthesia
Permanent makeup anesthetics can be divided into primary and secondary.
Primary anesthesia is available in the form of cream, Vaseline, and cream-gel textures. It is used BEFORE the procedure and applied literally for 10-15 minutes only on healthy and intact skin. Anesthetic components quickly penetrate the upper layers of the skin and make the procedure comfortable for the client even on the start of permanent makeup work. The main active ingredient of the most anesthetics is lidocaine. Its percentage should not exceed 5-6%, otherwise, the cream will strongly “tan” the skin and significantly complicate the fixation of the permanent makeup pigment.
I consider benzocaine + lidocaine + tetracain to be the most effective components combination for primary anesthesia. Such a composition has the most powerful American anesthetic MesoNumb (and its analogue Dermarelief). It is the best anesthetic cream. Thanks to its effect my customers don’t feel any discomfort and often fall asleep during the procedures. Prolonged duration and the speed of MesoNumb action are improved with a capsule formula that enhances the work of all components. This economical and time tested anesthetic does not require the use of covering film, you just apply it and after 5-7 minutes the client is ready for the procedure.

Topical anesthesia for the permanent makeup
ATTENTION: applying any primary anesthetic in the form of cream anesthesia on injured skin is strictly FORBIDDEN!
Secondary anesthesia as a rule, is made in a liquid form. It is applied to the scratched skin (on intact surface it does not work!). The medicine quickly penetrates into the skin and gives an instant anesthetic effect. Secondary anesthetics often have additional properties that facilitate the work of the master. For example, Sustaine contains vasoconstrictor substances that minimize the secretion of lymph during the procedure, and thus helps to place a pigment with high smoothness and increased density.
ATTENTION: use secondary anesthetics no more than 3-4 times per procedure!
Allergy to local anesthesia
This is a very important aspect in the work of each master! Every year the number of clients with allergies increases. But so far, many masters, in pursuit of time savings, ignore the so-called allergy test. It’s pretty simple – you just put on the client’s wrist skin a drop of primary anesthetic 5 minutes before the procedure. During the time you draw and discuss the sketch, it will become clear whether the client is allergic to lidocaine or no. If the allergy appears during the procedure (as a result of ignoring the test), then the consequences can be the most disastrous.
Therefore, dear masters, be vigilant in this matter. At the slightest sign of allergy, promptly call an ambulance. And take the time to consult an anesthesiologist on first aid to the client before the ambulance team arrives.
ATTENTION: I hasten to dissuade you from using homemade “mixes” – this is extremely risky and can cost your client life! For clients with known allergies to lidocaine, or ones with positive allergy test, you can use Ubystezin (Artikain + Epinephrine) or another anesthetic.
Is the permanent makeup procedure painful for the client?

The work is in full swing – and there is not a bit of pain on client’s face! With a professional master, permanent makeup is an absolutely comfortable procedure!
Absolutely all new customers ask this question! It happens that novice masters are also afraid of manipulation because of the fear of hurting people. But, fortunately, the 21st century is in the yard, and most powerful topical anesthetics have been created long ago. If you hear that the procedure was painful for someone of your friends, you should know, that either a master worked too deep and made a real tattoo for ages, or, he saved on anesthesia trying to lower the price of the procedure. Some clients want injection anesthesia, referring to the low pain threshold. This is just a whim! The permanent makeup technique is used on the surface layers of the skin and cannot cause unbearable pain. And even the slightest discomfort disappears thanks to the anesthetic cream. If the master himself offers you an “anesthetic injection” – get up and leave! You did not come for a tattoo, find proper permanent makeup master!
Victoriya Rudko, international permanent makeup trainer, leading specialist of the Purebeau Academy (Ukraine)

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