06 Sep Permanent makeup: the client requires a refund
“Give me back the money!” – every permanent makeup artist has heard this unpleasant phrase at least once in her practice.
So, the standard situation is: the client came out satisfied from your center, but after some time (from several hours to several weeks) she calls and demands that the money spent on the procedure should be returned. The reasons are usually the following:
- Girlfriends / colleagues / husband did not like the results. Either on the first day after the procedure, or after the crusts converged, someone from the friends or relatives notice “something is not even / not symmetrical”, mentioned other shortcomings or, God forbid, said that it was better before the permanent makeup.
- No long-awaited compliments arose, wow-expectations did not materialize.
- Not enough color! This is a common complaint of the first week. Against the background of descending crusts, the remaining tone seems inconspicuous, which means “I paid in vain”
- Wanting to “speed up” the healing process, the client peels off the crusts and then accuses the master that the eyebrows turned red or gray / multi-colored.
- Overly impressionable persons even cannot explain the reason and dramatize the situation with the phrases: “You made me a laughing stock!”, “These eyebrows are like those of a villager!” Sometimes it happens.
- People initially counted on a “free” procedure.
Drawing analogies with medicine, the only thing that will save the master from such tantrums and accusations is the total informing of the client. In this case, the information needs to be stated as clearly and easily as possible:
- healing lasts about a month
- eyebrows after healing become narrower
- the color will appear by the third week
- if you remove the crusts, it will be seen right away, but if you’ll need a correction, we’ll add colors and correct defects
Long and lengthy explanations are hard to remember. And it is better to print a permanent makeup care instruction sheet and hand it out. All questions and answers should be stated strictly and clearly. Some colleagues note, that the first two weeks the client should just wait and do not call the master! Each technician has its own tactics, otherwise customers will attack you with their “news” every hour.
A separate category is “freeloaders”. As a rule, they like everything in the beginning. And immediately after the procedure, they arrange a concert with dramatic elements. And, of course, they refuse to pay for the procedure. You, as a master, should protect yourself by prepayment to cover consumables, because it is not always possible to claim payment. Sometimes a client even threatens to call the police …
Some girls demand money after the tattoo has healed, refusing to pay for a correction and threatening with “consequences”. They play on the nerves almost without interruption, pouring out negative not only in personal discussion, but also on social networks… And they do not agree to any constructive dialogue. My colleague from Europe told a similar incident. She returned the money because of the client’s inappropriate behavior, and a few days later read the phrase “I made such gorgeous eyebrows absolutely free” on the client’s page on the social network.
The signing of a competent information agreement before the procedure and photo-fixing of the sketch and the result will protect the master from many problems.
The decision must be made by the master herself. If you are confident in your skills and see an excellent result, if you are morally stable and have experience in responding to such requests, you will surely refuse a dissatisfied client. Great master is able to quickly put the situation on the right track. And it’s not even a matter of special arguments. “On the correction, I will listen to your wishes, the first procedure is only acquaintance with the skin, the result is the effect achieved only after complete healing of the skin, etc.” But also it’s in the degree of confidence with which they pronounced. The client, feeling the confidence of the master, gradually calms down and begins to hear the arguments. Therefore, work on an even, calm tone, no trembling voice and apologies if you know, that the work is perfect.
My opinion is that you need to work with the negative. You can block, add to the blacklist and forget, but with this approach, sooner or later you risk being buried under this avalanche of complaints and negative reviews
Novice masters should think first, perhaps some mistakes was made? Perhaps this situation is a signal that you need to improve the technique, go deeper into the color scheme or try another pigment. But even if you feel some flaws on your part, returning money means giving up. Soon there may occur a rumors about you: the master is unprofessional, she returns the money, she herself knows that her work is bad. Therefore, in each situation, first look for a way out – you can always consult with colleagues, ask for advice on a forum or in a professional messenger groups, draw conclusions and correct yourself with a correction. If the situation is difficult to fix and you are is stalemate situation, pay for deleting your work or delete it yourself. In any case, there should be a dialogue with the client, and you should do your best to find a solution to the problem. And the master must draw conclusions for herself, and as possible, stop making mistakes that are voiced once.
I always say that like attracts like. Therefore, love your customers, sincerely care about the result, try to do the perfect job, hone your skills and similar people and similar situations will soon disappear from your practice.
And by the way! An observation from practice. The most problematic customers are those who came at a discount or at half price. 90% of them are “time bombs”. And many colleagues agree with me.

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