12 Aug How to draw an eyebrow sketch for wonderful permanent makeup
The correct building of the eyebrow sketch is one of the most important stages of the permanent eyebrows makeup procedure. It is an absolutely necessary skill for each master. To achieve a successful result, you need to be a permanent makeup artist, visage master, and a psychologist at the same time. Today I will try to discuss all the intricacies of building a classic and universal sketch of perfect symmetrical eyebrows.
The technique is universal, because it is suitable for drawing naturally shaped eyebrows for absolutely any face type. Of course, to create harmonious eyebrows, you have to consider the features of the face shape and client’s wishes. The rest is pure geometry! I always say that you should not chase fashion trends and impose a popular (at the moment) wide or straight eyebrow. Fashion is fashion, but the eyebrows you created will be with the client for several years and she should be comfortable with her look. Meanwhile, the classic shapes are always in fashion. Therefore, I consider the proposed option as a winning one.
Proper eyebrow sketch – how to choose a shape
Despite the fact that the method of drawing sketch by points (as we will see later) is a simple geometric task, to select a shape, you should still analyze the face of the client. This scheme will help you choose a harmonious shape of the eyebrows.

Eyebrow sketches depending on the face shape
- for oval faceis suitable any shape of the eyebrow
- for long one – straight eyebrows, slightly offset from the nose
- square face use smooth rounded lines
- heart and rhomboid shaped faces need classic curved eyebrows
- for a round face use the most curved shape without roundness
For beginners we recommend the following exercise. Mentally choose the shape of eyebrows for each passerby, companion, friend, etc. First determine the shape of the face, then the shape of the eyebrows. Well, then you can and should move on to sketching

The main thing is to develop the skill to correctly build a sketch of eyebrows. You should train a lot on a daily basis
How to mark up eyebrow sketch
And only now the promised geometry begins. We define 5 main points:
- The beginning point of the eyebrow. Apply a pencil parallel to the nose so that it passes through the teardrop. Build eyebrows by points
Building eyebrows sketch by dots is the most effective way to create harmonious look
- Eyebrow breakpoint If client’s eyes are wide-set, you need to apply pencil to the wing of the nose and draw a line across the pupil. For narrow-set eyes draw the line through the iris.
- External corner – one edge of the pencil touches the wing of the nose, the second – passes through the outer corner of the eye.
- The bottom line of the eyebrow – visually move the eye up and make the dot
- Measure the desired width of the eyebrow and draw two parallel lines from the head to the break point. The lines then narrow and go into a bend.
- Eyebrow start point or “eyebrow head” is formed depending on the type of face. Move from the first point towards the bridge of the nose 1-10 mm (0.04-0.4″). This dot and eyebrow zone should ALWAYS be soft, “flying”, without clear lines..
Important! The tail of the eyebrow should never fall below line 4!
Nature is our main helper. We can exactly see where the hairs grow on the eyebrows (even if they are plucked out), and this zone should be taken as a guideline. DO NOT radically go beyond the hair growth zone, this is important rule!
How to make symmetrical eyebrows
After the eyebrow is completely drawn, you need to create a symmetrical second one. Symmetry is inherent in nature, and your client’s eyebrows are no exception. But we need not only to emphasize the existing natural asymmetry, but as possible to compensate for its shortcomings. You should try to see that middle ground in the form of an eyebrows arrangement that harmonizes the face as a whole. Sometimes it is very difficult due to the fact that there can be several criteria for making a decision, and sometimes they can contradict each other.
Draw the sketch only when the client is in a sitting position! Otherwise, there may be serious errors in symmetry.
Types of facial asymmetry in the form of eyebrows
- The middle line of the nose bridge is shifted to one eye
- The nose has a slope to the right or left
- The superciliary arches have a different relief
- Eyes are located at different horizontal levels
- The transition from the frontal to the temporal bone has a different slope on the right and left.
In addition, the complexity in assessing the symmetry of the eyebrows sketch can be caused by a different hair eyebrow growth. But we have an amazing and, it is important to note, inexpensive assistant a flexible liner. This is the most convenient markup tool of all tested. And we tested everything – from disposable sticky lines to compasses. I think it makes no sense to explain how to create the same eyebrows using this line (as is shown in the video below). But I emphasize: our goal is not absolute symmetry, but the golden mean!

With this ruler, even a novice can easily draw symmetrical eyebrows. In contrast to the technique of marking eyebrows with thread, the ruler gives mathematical accuracy
I recommend my students to bring the process of marking eyebrows to automatism. To do this, you need to practice every day and not only on a sheet of paper, but on the relief of the face! Therefore, every day draw an eyebrow sketch on the face of your mom, girlfriends and absolutely everyone. After 3-4 weeks, you will spend no more than 20 minutes on this stage.

The beginning of the correct eyebrow sketch drawing

Eyebrow marking is best done with a white wax pencil or concealer
Eyebrow sketch drawing
The main quality measure of permanent makeup services is client’s aesthetic and moral satisfaction from the achieved result. Important note! The master develops a permanent makeup scheme with the client. Do not forget about it! You should clearly see the boundaries of your future work. This is necessary for your convenience and your work without fear of losing important points under the anesthetic. And the client should see what the healed permanent makeup. That is, the sketch should give to the client the opportunity to present the future permanent makeup as accurately as possible. It should allow to evaluate aesthetic characteristics of the makeup. And how to combine these two requirements? It’s very simple!
So, to design the borders of the sketch, we recommend using a white wax pencil or concealer. Draw the eyebrow itself with a cosmetic pencil of the desired shade. Try to accurately convey the shade and brightness of the healed eyebrows. Approve the sketch with the client and, before applying anesthesia, point important points of the sketch with a permanent marker for fixing permanent makeup. That’s all! Apply anesthesia, work carefully, and nothing will flow or disappear.
When I hear about a sketch made by a gel pen, I shudder. How will your client understand if the sketch option you have proposed is suitable for him when she see only an unaesthetic blue border on her face? Moreover, you quickly lose the sketch too, the gel paste dissolves with ease. And finally, your main task is not to harm the health of the client. How can this be guaranteed if the components of pen pigment get into the skin?

Want to learn, how to draw perfect sketches and perform wonderful makeup? Join our basic course in RUDKO ARTLINE permanent makeup academy!
I sincerely wish you to learn beautiful and natural looking permanent makeup!
Viktoriya Rudko, international permanent makeup trainer, a leading specialist at the Purebeau Academy (Ukraine)

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