06 Mar What you need for permanent makeup – the set for novice master
The permanent makeup master profession is in great demand today. And many would gladly have mastered it, but they often don’t know where to start. Of course, every beginner needs to complete a basic course on a permanent makeup and purchase a starter kit. Today we will tell you what technical equipment a novice master needs at the start.
First of all, I want to say that this article was written for those who want not only to come into the profession, but plans to become a professional, to give people beauty, but not to save on everything due to inconvenience and proliferation of clients. To become a successful and sought-after master, you need to be a make-up artist, psychologist, it is necessary to “feel” color and new all modern palettes, to be able to “read” a face, structure of the skin and much more. It is very important to learn all that.
But besides basic training, it is important to study on the apparatus, wit which you will start working. This is the main advice of experienced permanent makeup masters. In RUDKO Artline we are teaching on the German equipment of the Purebeau brand. It is high-quality equipment technically designed to be productive and so simple and convenient, that even a beginner can handle it! Nevertheless, our students work at first under the control of a master. After all, work with a model is a big responsibility! At the end of the course, each graduate decides for himself whether to buy a Purebeau machine or try other brands.
You can find out the technical characteristics and price range of the Purebeau machines in our online store “All for permanent makeup”.
However, in addition to equipment you will need consumables, anesthetics, pigments, and much more. Here is a list of what should be included in the “starter kit” for beginner permanent makeup technician.
Permanent makeup set for a novice master
The focus, of course, is on the permanent makeup machine. Most of them are made in China and Europe. Chinese ones (Mastor, Goochie) are the cheapest, but the term of their trouble-free operation is usually less than a year. Their biggest drawbacks are the lack of a mechanism for control of the needle movement and of pigment flow. These features are very convenient and make the work of beginning master much easier.
Therefore, if you have even the slightest opportunity to purchase a high-quality permanent tattoo machine at the beginning of your career, it is better to choose the German quality (Purebeau). The work on such a device is quite easy and pleasant thanks to technical innovations (high power, no needle vibration, control of needle operating depth, ease of operation without interruption from the procedure, and much more), the possibility of master errors is significantly reduced. The manufacturer gives a 1 year full guarantee and declares 10 years service life. The price of these devices starts from $ 2000 and, I should say, although Purebeau machines are expensive, they worth it. Our students and colleagues say that the Purebeau apparatus does everything by itself! And it is really close to the truth.
When you have decided on the device, go to the consumables. I recommend to start with:
- 5-9 most common pigments (two or three colors for eyebrows, lips and eyelids). I recommend mineral pigments on a sorbitol basis without glycerin. They give a terrific result, do not change shades and eventually disappear from the skin without a trace (5x$50 = $250). You can also buy buy probes, each one is enough for 6-10 procedures.

You need only a few pigments for lips, eyelids and eyebrows. Purebeau pigments are very stable and reliable
For RUDKO Artline students we have a permanent 10% discount on Purebeau pigments, markers, needles and caps
- 10 disposable needles with caps. They can be a single-toothed versatile for all zones plus a three-prong sheaf for feathering – $50 (the prices are given for the Purebeau machines). You can learn how to pick up the needles and caps in our training.
- Stencil, marker, pencils are useful for drawing a sketch. These little things are not expensive but pretty important at the same time. After all, the fear of losing a sketch is one of the strongest among beginners.
- Anesthetic, antiseptic (about $ 80). We do not recommend saving on pain relief, as the percentage of clients who do not tolerate discomfort is very high. They are likely to make you anti-advertising (“terribly painful”). In addition, quiet, calm, and pain-free work is very important to the beginner.
Further, as you master the new techniques, you will be able to test various types of needles, as well as expand the palette of pigments. But only with high-quality equipment you will eliminate errors in the colors and will be sure of the ideal results from the first days of work! Thus, although you will have to invest in the initial stage, high-quality equipment always pays off!
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