19 Apr Lips makeup for masters
In this article we’ll discuss, how to make a sketch of harmonious lips shape before the permanent makeup procedure. How to correct the lips asymmetry and visually add volume. We’ll also look, what Purebeau pigments look like after the healing, six and twelve months after the procedure.
How to make a sketch before the procedure

There no universal scheme for all cases – every client is unique
A competently created sketch of the lips brings about a half of the success of the tattoo procedure. Almost all clients want to make their lips bigger and more seductive with the help of makeup. And well drawn sketch helps to achieve this goal greatly! We’ll describe a universal lip sketch drawing method by Victoria Rudko.
There is no universal sketch, which could be ideal for any client. Lips may be beautiful themselves, but do not fit to the face type. To get perfect lips look, you need to take into account proportions, lines and shape, as well as the oval of a person’s face. The lips must be in harmony and not look like strangers on the face of your client. You should observe symmetry and naturalness, then your work will be perfect every time!
Typical Lip Tattoo Forms
If we rely on the non-verbal perception of a person, sharp corners and sharp contours cause us to have a tough personality with strong dynamics or even aggression. Therefore, when drawing a sketch of the lips be sure to consider these factors. If facial features are too sharp, we can smooth and add softness with the help of smooth lines and delicate color.
During the permanent makeup procedure, making the corners of the lips sharper, thinner or not visible, we change the facial expression and mimic of a person. For example, on the square-shaped face to highlight the lips form you can use an inverted rectangle for the lower lip. For flat lips, to add volume, you can use the shape of an onion – so the lips will seem more full.
Almost all clients have stereotypes of beauty inspired by fashion magazines and TV shows about style and beauty. Remember – client’s mood and fashion are changeable, but lips with a permanent will stay with her for several years. Choose the correct shape, contour and color that suits her skin color type and face shape. Therefore, the technician should know the classic images of the lips outlines, contours and pigments, etc.

Lips sketch for permanent makeup
General instructions
- Lips corners are too low. To correct the form, it is best to draw the upper lip in a semi-oval shape and gently reduce the contours to the corners. Do not make a round shape, or you will enhance the effect of the lowered lips of the client;
- Half smile. For the half-smile effect, the lower lip should be drawn a little longer than the top. Correction is drawn to the corners of the lips. When drawing the sketch, be sure to look through them not only in profile, but also en face;
- Small lips. From the lower corner of the lips draw a thin line, without going beyond the boundaries. Next, draw the outline of the upper lip to connect the bottom one. Align the boundaries of the contour;
- Wide lips. Determine the points that refract the lips, and from these points draw a new contour upwards. At the same time we make feathering closer to the corners of the lips.

Lips sketch drawing scheme
A good sketch is the basis of high-quality permanent makeup and a guarantee of mutual satisfaction of the client and the master. It is impossible to work with every client with one template, adjust the overall approach to every client. Working with a person’s face is a kind of psychology task. It is necessary not only to collect fashionable images, but also to notice whether the image coincides with the internal personality or contradicts it. By helping the client to achieve the perfect image, you help him show his brightness and internal beauty!
Technique of the contour lips drawing
To prepare for drawing a lips sketch you will need make-up removal tools, a large overview mirror, a mirror with a handle, tools for drawing a sketch, a camera.
1. Determine the two highest points of the upper lip – the so-called Cupid Points. On the lower lip you should mark the two lowest points of the natural contour of the lip.
2. From the outer corner of each lip draw the smooth lines to each of the marked points.
3. Smoothly connect the highest points of the upper lip to the center of the Cupid arch.
4. The contour is ready. All that remains is to fix it with a pigment marker for tattoo
The finished sketch should be approved with the client. We recommend using a white wax pencil that will not flow when applying anesthetic anesthesia.

Typical lips correction cheme
Some important nuanses
Universal sketch, of course, facilitates the work of the master. However, its construction should take into account the important nuances of appearance:
- In pursuit of a visual increase in the client’s lips, some masters allow themselves to go far beyond the natural contours. As a result, lips don’t become larger and look ridiculous. Remember: do not to go beyond the natural contour more than 1 -1.5 mm! If we are talking about the outer corners of the lips (for example, when the corners of the mouth are too low) – no more than 2 mm.
- Two points that are not allowed to shift are Cupid points. They should be where Mrs. Nature set them up.
- Note that you can not round the lines on a round face, and make them unnecessarily angular / graphic on a square or a face with unnecessarily pointed features.
- Be sure to follow the visual symmetry of the client’s lips!
- Draw a sketch in a sitting position – so the facial expression of the client is as natural as possible.
Purebeau pigments
Purebeau pigments features
The information below is collected by a practicing master based on her many years of experience. It will become a real magic wand for both who are just about to try Purebeau pigments and for artists who are planning to expand their knowledge in color. With the Purebeau lip pigments you can get both very natural and bright saturated tones. The main issue is to follow the proportions of the primary and secondary shades. There are many comments in the Internet, where masters say that the pigment for the lips is too faded and it works too bad.

Purebeau Roxy
The fact is that in the Purebeau line there is a so-called primary tone – base, and secondary – shade. Of course, if you apply a secondary tone in its pure form without a base, then practically nothing will be left in the skin after healing. This is similar to dyeing dark hair in a different color without lightening prior. The basic color is always necessary, as a substrate for tint. It is very convenient, because the base is initially denser (it has increased concentration of coloring particles) and with its help you can correct the errors of natural color.
Only few clients have lip blood vessels that do not show through the skin (in this case it is permissible to use a pink base). For the rest clients, and especially with age, the vessels give the lips a bluish tint, which must first be covered with a red-orange base (remember the color circle!). And only then with the help of shade pigments you can easily give the desired color. For example, the Salmon pigment will give lips the pinkish-orange color, Dani california – pinkish. Most used base pigments are Roxy, Strawbery, Altrot, Ellen.
It hurts me to look at girls who post photos of terribly swollen lips after the permanent makeup procedure. Modern high-precision makeup machines can make the procedure so low-impact that there is no swelling in 90% of cases, and the convergence of the crusts becomes almost imperceptible. Therefore, think three times whether it is worth going to a specialist who does the procedure with a tattoo machine (or God forbid – with a pen!). They jeopardize not only the result, but also the health of their clients.
But with a skillful master permanent make-up is an absolutely comfortable procedure! Every great makeup master is an artist. After all, there are no formulas for recreating harmonious facial features. The result of the work depends on natural instinct, knowledge of the laws of color, and make-up correction techniques.
Healing. What do the pigments look like (Purebeau) after a while
One of the main indicators of the quality of the pigment for a tattoo is how it is worn – that is, how long it stays on the skin, whether it migrates to other tones after a month or a year. Today I will show you my clients looks with healed lips in six months and a year after the procedure. And once again I will prove that there is no reason to doubt the claimed quality of Purebeau pigments!
Very often to estimate the quality of the pigments, the masters look for reviews. This is the right tactic – to learn from the experience of colleagues. After all, buying unknown pigments, you risk losing customers and their beauty. Today you will find a lot of photos of works made with Purebeau pigments.
The distinctive feature of pigments for lips is a persistent, moderately saturated natural color that lasts up to 3 years. Light transparent pigments are not so dense, and they work for about a year. Purebeau eyebrow pigments never in my practice migrated to either red or any other colors. When used properly and taking into account the skin tone, they always give a predictable, expected, natural result. So your customers look gorgeous even a year after the procedure.

Purebeau Strawberry in a year after procedure

Purebeau Strawberry 1.5 years after permanent makeup procedure. Watercolor styling

Purebeau Kiss. Our regular customer. 2 years after the procedure

Purebeau Kiss in a year after the correction. At the client’s request, we made it “brighter”

Purebeau Luna, 12 months after the procedure

Purebeau Altrot. It is a pigment-chameleon, adapts to the color of the mucous. Photo 6 months after the procedure

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